By Aymane Sahli Digital Design Master’s Coursework 2018/2019
A Healthier Mom for a Healthier Child
Opti-MOM is a digital mobile application aimed for mothers dealing with post-partum depression. We base our app on three main functions:
1. Track your well-being: Through overseeing how the mom is feeling on a daily basis. We are able to oer a more personable and pertinent experience that is able to help with her personal parenting. This also helps with keeping the mother well-informed with experiential advice and tips endorsed by other moms.
2. Create Meaningful Connections: By not limiting ourselves to basic criteria in the matching procedure such as age of child, or the mom’s age or location. We strive to continuously assess issues and topics of appeal, queries and advice sought by mothers.
3. Counsel Mothers: Through using a model that is guided by the community of mothers. This helps users be less guarded and nd another mom they can relate to. Moms will be able to attain meaningful insights from other moms who have undergone similar experiences and have matching journey patterns.